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An application is an ensemble of framework-based code

A single application can use many different frameworks, and it can do so with a mixture of approaches, as suggested by Figure 18. Pieces of the application's code "hang from" or are "nestled among" the frameworks provided by the system. The application consists of an ensemble of these pieces. The application code calls calling APIs of various frameworks, some of which the application has customized, and some of which it uses as is.

For example, one part of the code might use some part of a framework's calling API whose implementation has been modified by another part of the code that uses the framework's subclassing API. The end result is an ensemble of pieces that get called only when the system needs them, and only for use within that application's address space. In the CommonPoint system, several applications running at the same time can use the same frameworks in very different ways without interfering with each other.

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Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Copyright©1995 by Sean Cotter and Taligent,Inc. All rights reserved.