Wildcrest support for "100% Pure Java"
100% Pure Java!  TextPrinter, MultiLineLabel, EditList, JEditList, & TextAreaPropertyEditor are officially certified 100% Pure Java by Sun & KeyLabs on JDK 1.1. 100% Pure Java is your assurance our products are portable across all  Java compatible systems so you can create 100% Pure Java software.

All of our Java components have been developed utilizing the same Java programming standards as our other products that have achieved 100% Pure Java certification status, and we continue to follow the 100 Percent Pure Java Cookbook and employ the JavaPureCheck tool developed by Sun used in the official 100% Pure Java certification process.  None of our Java components contain .dll's or other compiled code, and every line is written in the  Java language and built using the official Sun JDK tools and libraries.  However, we have not continued to apply for formal certification for our newer Java components due to the expense of certification and Sun's recent deemphasis of the 100% Pure Java certification program.  

Wildcrest Associates supports  Java 2!     Press Release